Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Chicken & Biscuit Casserole

This is not the healthiest meal, but Matt and I both really like it. It turns out tasting kind of like chicken pot pie. I love the fact you don't have to use a can of cream soup. I'm sure following the recipe exactly would be great, but, the way I adapted the recipe made it really quick and easy for me. I only used and 8x8 dish and basically halved the recipe. I melted the butter, added the flour and whisked until incorporated. Then, I whisked in the seasonings followed by 2 cups of chicken broth. I brought the mixture to a boil and then turned down the heat to simmering. It thickens really quickly and is nice and creamy. I then added about half of a 16 oz bag of Trader Joe's Organic Foursome vegetables (peas, green beans, carrots, corn). Then, I added three chopped, cooked chicken breasts. I let it simmer a bit more then dumped it into the dish. I used the refrigerated biscuits for the top of the casserole. These cook much more quickly than the prepared biscuits so if you use them, cook it uncovered about 20 minutes and then covered for the rest of the time. I cooked it uncovered for 30 minutes and you can see the biscuit tops are a little over-done. It is important to cook it for the full time so the biscuit centers aren't doughy. This happened to me the first time I made it. All in all, a tasty, quick, simple comfort food casserole. A quick thanks to Leslie for introducing me to crumbled Goat Cheesse. We love it and never have salad without it. It has a really strong, rich flavor and is so creamy. Yum! Trader Joe's carries it for only $1.99 for a 4 oz container.


California Blakes said...

I love this idea! I will be a regular at visiting your site!! This is my biggest challenge...deciding what to cook!!Thanks, Ash! I'm looking forward to reading your new blog!

Leslie said...

My husband will be shocked when he sees that I was given kudos on a cooking blog! Ash - this is super cute. :)

Lindsey Jefferies said...

This is an awesome idea! I can't wait to try out new recepies! My biggest problem is a cook the same stuff over and over and so it will be fun to try new things! Good idea!!

Andrea J. Bacigalupo said...

I am totally going to try this! YUM!